UAV Technical Surveys are increasingly finding a place on job sites of any size. AIM (Automated Inspection and Measurement) makes it easy to collect and process aerial data while seamlessly integrating with existing workflows. The industry has been pursuing the idea of “reality capture” and using technology to measure progress during construction, to monitor stockpiles, for inspection of industrial structures like cell towers, solar farms, and pipelines or even for insurance claim adjudication. UAVs are ideally suited to the task.
Coast 2 Coast’s FAA-licensed UAV pilots quickly and unobtrusively acquire data for large facilities, capture inaccessible areas, and analyze point-in-time variations in reoccurring flight paths. We put this intelligence work by measuring distances, taking cross-sections, and extracting volumetric data. The data we generate and our capacity to integrate with terrestrial scans and third-party sources also enhance deliverables. It’s a powerful combination of tools, team, and tech, that allows us to create true end-to-end solutions for our clients.