Coast 2 Coast Pre-Design Building Intelligence services help you navigate inherently complex projects. Each solution starts with understanding your workflow and needs so that we are an extension of your team and part of the integrated workflow during the due diligence phase of projects. Using up-to-date documentation that is within 1” accuracy helps rehab teams plan better, faster. Although no project is exactly the same, typically projects include a combination of CAD, models and data.

From arrival on site, we work with the property managers to quickly and accurately acquire gigabytes of data.

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Usually, six units can be scanned in a single day. The information is then processed and deliverables are provided within 2-3 weeks of being on-site. In addition to the model, we deliver organized sheets that include, schedules with quantities of Items, Interior Elevation views, Reflected Ceiling Plans, and Electrical Plans.

A full presentation-quality model is completed for desired amenities such as Main Offices, Clubhouses, Fitness Center, etc. Coast 2 Coast builds a custom architectural template for each client and new items are continuously added as projects are completed. We model visible elements.

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